Monitoring Bee Health with EasyLog USB Temperature Loggers
Case Study: Logging Bee Hive Temperatures Using EL-USB-TP-LCD Temperature Loggers
Last year, avid bee keepers had the unfortunate experience of a hives dying due to cold weather. To prevent this from happening again, keepers wanted a way to monitor the temperature in the hive so that he knew the bees were in good shape. During the winter, monitoring the temperature would show whether the bees were alive or not. Furthermore, the monitoring can reveal when the queen starts to lay eggs in the springtime, as the temperature will rise by two degrees.
Keepers now use the Lascar EL-USB-TP-LCD for the temperature monitoring. This is a USB temperature data logger that has a thermistor probe on a 1m cable. The logger was placed outside the hive, inside a plastic tub to give weather protection, and the probe placed inside the hive. Keepers set the logger to take hive temperature readings each hour, which could then be easily and quickly downloaded to a PC for analysis. From the data recorded, keepers are able to produce temperature graphs showing the temperature drop and subsequent rise as the bees went into and out of hibernation
This is a key example of how these temperature loggers with probes can be used to monitor inside places which are not easily accessible by hand.
Read the full case study:
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