Lab News
The Difference Between Density Hydrometers and Specific Gravity Hydrometers
What is the difference between SG Hydrometers and Density Hydrometers?All hydrometers work on the principle of displacement, however there are two common types to choose from and the below descriptions can help choose which type may be suitable for your application.Density HydrometersDensity hydrometers read mass by unit of volume at a given temperature. For example, a reading of 1200 on an Australian Standard density hydrometer indicates that the liquid has a mass of 1200kg per cubic meters
14th May 2020
Using Alcoholometers When Making Hand Sanitizers
Alcoholometers (alcohol hydrometers) are used to read the alcohol content of pure distilled spirits.
Alcoholometers should only be used in pure, distilled spirits when determining the alcohol % or proof of the spirit before it is added to anything else. Alcoholometers are calibrated to the density of pure ethanol and won't sink as deep when water is added to the mixture. All Alcoholometers which are manufactured according to AS2371 are supplied with a Certificate of Conformity.
29th Mar 2020
Pharmacy Vaccine Refrigerators For Valuable Vaccine Storage
LabDirect has specially developed vaccine storage refrigerators suitable for retail pharmacies, medical centres, hospitals and veterinary hospitals where vaccine products are required to be stored safely.
Our complete range includes four economy models and five larger Australian made premium models available up to 1500 litres in capacity for increased storage requirements.
Temperature is precisely controlled electronically at +5°C in an ambient up to 32°C. The digital displ
27th Mar 2020
Autoclavable Pipettors For Use with Acids and Corrosive Liquids
WATSON'S new Autoclavable "A" range of micro pipettors allows users to safely and accurately measure acids and corrosive liquids with the simple push of a button. These pipettors are made from high-grade fully autoclavable plastics and metal internal components giving them superior strength and long-life use. These pipettors can also be sterilized for 20 minutes at 121°C - no need to dismantle, simply place the whole pipettor in a sterilizer.
Fully autoclavable body (Can be sterilized
18th Mar 2020
Thermoline Incubators Used for Critical Virus Research
NSW Health Pathology CoronaVirus Research
Health Pathology research experts are a key part of the global fight
against novel coronavirus. In the video below, you can see the
Thermoline TEI-70G incubator being used by Institute of
Clinical Pathology & Medical Research (ICPMR) to successfully grow
the live virus from infected NSW patients.
With a
serious requirement for accuracy, the TEI-70G incubator provides a
gentle heating via heater pads on the outside walls
12th Feb 2020